Friday, 21 October 2016

Tell me the way British watchmaking

The year was 1905 and the month of May. Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) was then aged 26 years and yet to scale the ladder of his yet-to-be-heralded greatest achievements. Walking down the streets he had a Eureka moment (as it transpired later). He imagined sitting in a streetcar and traveling at the speed of light. Within the streetcar, he found that the time on his wristwatch was still ticking. Looking back out of the car, he realised that the time on the clock tower at the end of the street had stopped. The Archimedean moment crystalised into the "Special Theory of Relativity" and the science of space-time was born with the result that Man is proposing to colonize Mars (Elon Musk on Sep 27, 2016 at International Astronautical Congress). Going back in time of Einstein's streetcar imagined tableau the place was Bern, Switzerland and the Clock tower named Zytglogge is still ticking (cared by the Governor of Time Mr. Markus Marti - a retired engineer) and has the distinction of being a landmark icon. This story comes courtesy of the BBC titled The Clock that changed the Meaning of Time.

The BBC along with Britain is now at another crossroad of Time. The approaching countdown trigger of formal exit from the EU (European Union) is ticking. Perhaps the BWCMG (British Watch and Clockmakers Guild) had an inkling of the impending events when they met in a meeting after a gap of 54 years in April 2015; and the meeting's agenda "The way ahead for British Watchmaking".

Watchmakers in Britain already have a stellar reputation of integrity as several Perpetual Time reviews have eloquently posted. Perpetual Time is among several gifted watchmakers in Britain who service world famous brands with quality generic spare parts that are better than the original parts in terms of both caliber and costs. The onset of Brexit is sure to provide the needed impetus for British watchmaking to take the all-important step of British brands.

The time is right, the skills are there and there is no dearth of service technicians with three reputed watchmaking schools such as British School of Watchmaking in Manchester, Birmingham School of Jewellery and West Dean College. The needed investment should not be a cause for concern with the falling pound making it attractive for perceptive investors. Another Perpetual Time review has commented on this aspect when he was concerned at the delay in service by big watch brands.

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